ABS organizes webinar on reducing risks for continued operations of FPUs
Floating production units (FPUs) are site-specific units and when intended to continue operating beyond its design life, asset owners must determine if it is possible to keep the unit in operation.
An effective life extension process allows the continued services of a unit in a way that mitigates risks and minimizes productivity loss.
You can join ABS for a 30-minute webinar to learn how to reduce risk while extending the life of a floating production unit. The speakers will address:
- Current market landscape for the aging fleet
- Is life extension right for me? What are the business justifications driving life extension strategies?
- Key phases of a life extension process and how to get started
- Solutions to continue safe operations while meeting class, regulatory and statutory acceptance
- Modern approaches to optimize the life extension process
Registration link: https://absinfo.eagle.org/acton/fs/blocks/showLandingPage/a/16130/p/p-025c/t/page/fm/0
Maritime Business World
Etiketler : ABS
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