ABS protects the welfare of its staff and clients
ABS remains committed to serving its global clients with their team continuing to provide programs around the world while fulfilling both government-led health and operational requirements and guidance.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has been a leader in maritime safety for 150 years. The company use all of that expertise to inform their response to the outbreak.
ABS has introduced enhanced measures to ensure the health and quality of operation for their employees. The company continues to utilize alternative means for smarter, more effective, thorough and more reliable surveying experiences to reduce operational interruptions, especially given the current state of public health.
With ABS Remote Survey, customers have 24-hour worldwide coverage from the company's global network of surveyors. Currently the following surveys can be requested through remote operations:
Concurrent Load Line
• Boiler Three-Month Extension
• Condition of Class and Statutory Condition
• Tail Shaft or Tube Shaft Survey
• Minor Damage Survey
• Continuous Machinery Items (CMS)
• Offshore Underwater Examination Survey
ABS also offers grant survey extensions as permitted by its Rules and IMO requirements, depending on the particular circumstances, and has a process in place to grant force majeure extensions for vessels scheduled to drydock for repair or renewal surveys in affected areas.
Maritime Business World