Abu Dhabi Ports aims to cut emissions by half with Smart Container Initiative
The Smart Container Initiative has been launched by Abu Dhabi Ports to house its digital solutions in a resilient, stable and optimized, eco-friendly mobile environment.
The solar-panelled steel and aluminium smart container, powered by clean energy, uses environmentally sustainable technology such as in-line cooling, renewable energy and efficient allocation of space that will minimize Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) by more than 20 percent and reduce carbon emissions by half.
A broad range of mission-critical applications are operated by the prefabricated containerized data centre, including port and terminal operating systems, guest passes, and other automated customer services.
A key element in the digital technology success of Abu Dhabi Port lies in its ability to deliver differentiation through hybrid cloud architecture.
Maritime Business World
Etiketler : Abu Dhabi Ports
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