Canada advises mariners to use face coverings
The Transport Minister of Canada, Marc Garneau, declared that he is widening the criteria for using face coverings by workers and those involved in the transportation industry in the country to reduce the possibility of coronavirus.
Transport Canada and the transportation industry had already put in place measures such as increased sanitization, passenger medical checks and allowing passengers to remain on ferry in their vehicles. The latest initiatives involving face masks are targeted at transportation network points where workers have to be close to co-workers and passengers, Transport Canada said.
"My top concern continues to be the wellbeing of the transportation workers and the traveling public," Garneau said.
In particular, for marine workers, Transport Canada recommends that all workers have a face covering in their possession, and recommends that face coverings be worn using a risk-based approach specific to the unique circumstances of the workplace when physical distance can not be maintained and/or when local authorities require it.
Where it is impossible to maintain physical distance of two meters from others, the use of face coverings may play a key role in limiting virus transmission, the department said.
Maritime Business World