Damen launches free dredge calculator
Dredge projects are tendered around the globe on a daily basis. Consequently, dredging contractors have to make new calculations, involving various production parameters, when preparing their project quotations. Damen has introduced an online dredge job
For every dredging job, whether it is a maintenance dredging, sand dredging or capital dredging project, the local government concerned will present a public tender. In submitting their offers, contractors will then put in a considerable amount of effort – mostly in calculating the estimated production of each different jobsite. It is imperative that these calculations are accurate as it is the production that defines what dredging equipment is required.
Damen’s new dredging calculation tool assists contractors with what is typically a long-drawn-out process. With just a few mouse clicks on the straightforward online platform, known as Sandy, the contractor enters the defining characteristics of the dredging job at hand.
The result not only provides detailed advice on which cutter suction dredger should be mobilised, but also includes which options are complementary to the specific project. This can include supplementary equipment such as spud carriages, booster stations and anchor booms.
Sandy was designed by Lennart Koning, Dredging Production Specialist at Damen Dredging Equipment. In explaining the motivations behind the development, he says, “Each dredging job is calculated on dredge production – and Sandy will help determine that valuable production information. With the input from any tender, a contractor will know what dredger to use within minutes. Moreover, by simply adding an option, such as a spud carriage for instance, the contractor can see the potential efficiency gain immediately.”
Sandy is based on a full size calculation model, drawing on an extensive database that performs all the necessary calculations and taking manoeuvring into account. Pump production, Cutter production as well as Swing production are shown. “It’s all about providing contractors with realistic performance indicators of a cutter suction dredger.”
In introducing Sandy as a free online advisory tool for contractors around the globe, Damen is offering easily accessible information over a diverse range of project parameters; enabling dredging operators prepare faster for tender submissions.