Damen Shiprepair to work on seven CMA CGM vessels
Damen Shiprepair and Conversion (DSC) said a ship repair and maintenance program involving seven vessels operated by the French shipping and logistics giant CMA CGM is being wrapped up.
The projects were carried out at Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam (DSAm) in the Netherlands and Damen Shiprepair Dunkerque (DSDu) in France, with the last vessel leaving DSDu scheduled for later this month.
DSAm performed back-to-back maintenance and repair work on CMA CGM Cayenne, CMA CGM Saint Laurent and CMA CGM Marseille in a continuous operation running between June and August.
Similar programs were performed by the three boats, based on their five year surveys. Additionally, with 11,000 kilograms of steel welded to the bow end, the ships were reinforced. Every had its cargo cranes maintained as well, and five annual load tests were carried out. Also, the yard repainted the vessels.
At DSDu, between July and December, the vessels Africa Three, Africa Four, Africa Two and Africa One (in that order) arrived for back-to-work maintenance and repair programs. This time, work concentrated on 10-year surveys of the boats, including the unloading of all hatch covers, hull painting and repair of cell guides. At the same time, ballast water treatment systems were mounted by DSDu on each vessel.
Maritime Business World