3. DMCA, DNV GL partner up on maritime innovations
DMCA, DNV GL partner up on maritime innovations

DMCA, DNV GL partner up on maritime innovations

The regulating, coordinating and supervising body for Dubai’s maritime sector, Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA), has signed a collaboration agreement with Norway-based classification society DNV GL to explore initiatives aimed at advancing the sector’


Through the agreement, the parties will collaborate on several maritime innovation initiatives, including advancing the technological capacity in areas such as smart shipping, digitalization, big data and real time information management.

“The new partnership aims to facilitate DMCA’s aspirations to make Dubai a first-class international maritime gateway,”  DMCA said, adding that the partnership plans to invest in research and innovation on the latest shipping technology, as well as developments in environmental, safety and quality concerns.

The agreement also looks to promote maritime innovation programs in Dubai, the UAE and in other parts of the Middle East, the maritime authority said.

The signing of the agreement took place at the DNV GL National Committee in Dubai, which started on November 15, 2016.

Vira Maritime

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