Forth Estuary Towage Ports orders harbor tug
Damen Shipyards Group has concluded an ASD Tug 2312 contract with Forth Ports Limited. The new vessel will serve as part of the Forth Estuary Towage network, performing towage work at different locations in Forth Ports, as well as providing towage service
Forth Ports has a number of existing activities in the Forth and Tay Estuaries that will benefit from this new vessel's purchase, but the new vessel will also offer opportunities for service to new emerging markets such as decommissioning and offshore wind.
The ASD 2312 is well suited to operating with these vessels in such an environment; compact but strong, with a bollard pull of 70 metric tons. Thanks to her twin-fin skeg and dual azimuth thrusters, she's maneuverable too.
The tug is ready for IMO Tierr III, and thanks to the smooth rounded bilge of the tug, an powerful profile that reduces fuel consumption, emissions are further reduced. Damen has prepared a NOx Reduction System which can be applied to ready-made IMO Tier III vessels for complete compliance at any point.
As a result of Damen's standardized shipbuilding methodology, the ASD Tug 2312 was already under construction when Forth Ports put their order with Damen, ensuring the vessel was delivered quickly.
While Forth Ports wanted their new tug to be operational at the earliest opportunity, Damen Marine Services (DMS) stepped in to help. ASD Tug 2811 Pioneer is also supplied by DMS to work with Forth Ports.
Maritime Business World