Forum Energy builds highly advanced submarine rescue vehicle
The construction of what it claims is a highly advanced submarine rescue vehicle (SRV) has been completed by ROV maker Forum Energy Technologies, which can be used to extract submariners from situations of distress.
"The new model has increased power and an advanced auxiliary thruster control system that allows for speeds of up to four knots, enabling it to operate in high currents. The vehicle is able to attach to submarines at highly precarious angles, above 40 degrees," company stated.
The LR-class SRV is capable of saving up to 17 people at a time, according to the Forum, and works at depths of up to 600 meters.
The LR-Class SRV is split into two parts, a pilot command module and a submarine crew rescue chamber.
The rescue chamber should be pressurized to ensure that the rescued crew is decompressed to avoid decompression sickness (the bends). The vessel latches to a decompression chamber once on the surface, where crew are moved safely, Forum said.
“When a navy submarine runs into trouble and sends out an urgent SOS, the rescue mission quickly becomes a time-critical military operation to save those on board and prevent worsening health conditions, including decompression sickness (the bends) or fatalities. The SRV must therefore be highly reliable," explained Kevin Taylor, Forum’s Vice President - Subsea Vehicles.
Maritime Business World