Heading towards the 2020 sulphur limit
The need for all stakeholders to work towards effective and consistent implementation of the 2020 0.50% global sulphur limit has been highlighted during maritime industry events in Denmark this week.
IMO’s Edmund Hughes spoke about IMO’s role moving towards the 0.50% sulphur limit at an event focusing on the “2020 global sulphur challenge: Implementation and Enforcement”, hosted by the Danish Ecological Council (21 March).
At the GST Europe Conference 2017 (22 March), Mr. Hughes again drew attention to the global sulphur limit as a key item on IMO’s environmental agenda.
He also outlined other key regulatory moves at IMO which will be the focus for work in the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), including the forthcoming entry into force of the Ballast Water Management Convention in September 2017; the mandatory fuel oil consumption data collection process under MARPOL Annex VI; and the Roadmap for development of a ‘Comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships’.
Also at GST Europe, IMO’s Markus Helavuori spoke in detail about the Ballast Water Management Convention regulations and presented IMO’s work on biofouling, including the 2011 Biofouling Guidelines.
Vira Maritime