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  3. India plans to spend $82 billion on various port projects
India plans to spend $82 billion on various port projects

India plans to spend $82 billion on various port projects

By 2035, India plans to invest $82 billion in various port projects to improve the country's maritime sector.


As part of port-led growth, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced at the Maritime India Summit that the projects will promote clean renewable energy in the maritime sector, grow waterways, and boost tourism around lighthouses.

According to Modi, the project has identified over 574 projects worth $82 billion that will be implemented between 2015 and 2035.

“We are in the process of installing solar and wind based power systems in all the major ports across the country. We aim to increase usage of renewable energy to more than 60 per cent of all energy by 2030 in three phases across Indian ports,” stated India’s prime minister Narendra Modi.

Maritime Business World 

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