Jotun launches advanced hull optimisation programme
HullKeeper, a constructive hull optimization software, was introduced by Jotun. Jotun's comprehensive digital capabilities, ROV inspections, and trusted analytical and technical skills are combined in HullKeeper.
The four-part program, designed by Jotun's team of hull performance experts, optimizes hull performance regardless of coating choice. Via hull monitoring, fouling risk warnings, inspections, and advisory services, ship operators may take complete control of their operations.
Operators may choose to use the whole kit or only the sections that they need.
The HullKeeper software is based on Jotun's proprietary fouling risk algorithm, which is backed up by data from various sources to improve fouling control and performance. Ship operators may take expected corrective steps by gaining insight into problems before they occur.
According to Andreas Krapp, Jotun's Global Digital & Data Director, increased fuel consumption due to biofouling accounts for around 9% of the 919 million tons of CO2 and 21 million tons of other greenhouse gases (GHG) released by shipping each year. Although he acknowledges that the industry is unlikely to achieve its maximum potential reduction of 85 million tons of GHGs, he sees HullKeeper as a genuine opportunity to assist the industry in making substantial emissions reductions.
Maritime Business World