Maersk opens new box link between United Arab Emirates and Israel
Maersk, the largest container company in the world, will ship boxes between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as links are thawing between these two nations.
President Donald Trump welcomed leaders from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to the White House to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the countries renewed diplomatic relations and signed several bilateral business deals, including one with Tel Aviv-based DoverTower that will see Dubai-based terminal operator DP World operating.
“We have opened up cargo acceptance between UAE and Israel following the lifting of the boycott,” a Maersk spokesman told newswire Reuters previous day.
Dubai's DP World announced that it was partnering with an Israeli group to bid for one of the two main ports in Israel and to investigate the opening of a direct shipping line between the two countries in the Middle East.
Maritime Business World