Maritime Charities respond to coronavirus crisis
The maritime charity welfare community has stepped up to help our primary workers in seafaring. Jeffrey Lord Mountevans thanked members of the Maritime Charities Group who are digging deep and some of whom are scraping their savings to obtain funding for
“Now more than ever, we are dependent on the seafaring community to maintain the supply lines and keep the UK fed,” he said. “We are very fortunate in the maritime sector to have the MCG and its members to identify and meet greatest need, as well as spreading best practice. From Seafarers UK to Trinity House, the Group’s ten members are working together to co-ordinate their response, fund delivery partners working on the ground and fast-track grants to those in need. Initiatives range from emergency grants for individuals to revenue support to keep seafarer centres operating.”
Help around the maritime community is required – merchant seafarers and fishermen, crew of ferry and cruise ships have all been affected. With extreme restrictions in ports around the world, including the United Kingdom, many seafarers operating on merchant ships are stranded on board without access to shore-based assistance and all leave has been terminated.
MCG member support so far includes:
· Seafarers UK – has launched a £2m COVID-19 Emergency Fund, in addition to its budgeted £2m grants this year for charities and other organisations providing services and support for seafarers, as well as an emergency public appeal
· Trinity House – a significant portion of its annual grants budget has been earmarked for charities working on the front line
· The TK Foundation – over US$300k so far given to seafarer centres around the world and welfare organisations supporting individual seafarers in need
· Nautilus Welfare Fund – supporting seafarers past and present including those in supported living and care homes
· Seafarers Hospital Society – working with frontline providers such as the Fishermen’s Mission and Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society to plug the gap while fishermen and their families wait for Universal Credit, and with those supporting merchant seafarers in need
· Merchant Navy Welfare Board – bringing together maritime charity welfare providers to exchange information and find solutions for seafarers and their families who are in hardship
· Greenwich Hospital – has established an emergency fund for individuals and partner organisations working with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines
· ITF Seafarers Trust – has set aside over £1 million for seafarers internationally and over £600,000 has already been allocated
· Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity – has created a Naval Hardship Fund for those charities who are responding to above anticipated need and a support line has been set up
· Lloyd’s Register Foundation – Lloyd’s Register Foundation grantholder CHIRP Maritime are leading an international campaign to get seafarers recognised as key workers by governments around the world. They have published a new series of papers about the impact of COVID-19 on seafarers which LRF are helping to publicise