Mitsubishi's DIA-SOx marine scrubbers installed on 22 ships
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., part of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), says it has installed its DIA-SOx marine scrubbers on 22 ships in the last eight months.
Despite the continued spread of COVID-19 globally through remote commissioning carried out through close contact and cooperation with the engineers of its local partners in China and Singapore, the builder said the installations were completed as planned.
The DIA-SOx lineup includes the R Series and the C Series. The R Series' rectangular tower design is the most appropriate for containerships, and its multi-stream configuration can handle exhaust gas discharged from multiple engines, including the large main engine, simultaneously with one tower. The C Series with cylindrical tower configuration also uses multi-stream setup.
For 14,000 TEU containers for which Mitsubishi Shipbuilding not only provided engineering services for scrubber systems, the scrubber tower was mounted in the built-in enclosures on the port side of the existing funnel and thus the scrubber system was mounted without reducing container loading capacity which is one of the advantages of the R Series rectangular tower design.
The R Series was installed on five 20,000 TEU containerships, eight 14,000 TEU ships, and five 10,000 TEU or less vessels, while the C Series was built on two large oil tankers with a deadweight capacity of 300,000 tons and two LPG carriers.
The worldwide regulation of maximum sulfur content for fuel oil other than Emission Control Areas (ECA) has been increased to below 0.50 percent m / m (mass percent) from the previous norm of 3.50 percent m / m as of 1 January 2020. Moreover, ships were forbidden even to maintain onboard fuel oil with a sulfur content exceeding regulatory levels after March 2020.
Maritime Business World