NGO Shipbreaking Platform welcomes new Indonesian partner
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform welcomes, as a new partner organization, the Nexus Foundation for Environmental , Health, and Development, also known as the Nexus3 Foundation.
The Foundation for Nexus3 is based in Indonesia. The organization works to protect both the public and the environment, especially vulnerable communities, from the negative impacts of global change, promoting a just, toxic-free and sustainable future.
Aims of the organization are
- to support reducing and eliminating the world’s most hazardous chemicals,
- to halt the spread of toxic metals,
- to strengthen Indonesian chemical and wastes management policies, and
- to enhance institutional capacity to enable communities and civil society organisations in Indonesia to promote safer chemicals and waste management.
Numerous toxic ships and oil and gas waste are illegally shipped each year from Indonesian ports to South Asia's notorious ship-breaking beaches.
Local activists and international NGOs have recently alerted the Indonesian authorities of the illicit departure of a number of mercury-laden tankers, such as the Yetagun FPSO and the J NAT FSO.
“It is good now to be part of the NGO Shipbreaking Platform, after having been engaged with some of its members on cross-campaigns for a number of years. We look forward to join forces and shed light on Indonesian dangerous shipbreaking practices and transboundary hazardous waste by ships”, says Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega, Senior Advisor and co-founder of Nexus3.
Mercury exposure, also at low levels, has been related to damage to the central nervous system, impairment of the liver and kidneys, reproductive and developmental disorders, infant defects and learning deficits. Extremely toxic mercury vapors are released when heated up by simple methods such as sand blasting, water blasting, grinding, and gas axing, bypassing most industrial personal protection equipment.
Maritime Business World