North Sea Port measures to fight spread of Coronavirus
Both the Belgian and Dutch Governments have declared steps required to prevent further Coronavirus spread. Port in the North Sea follows these steps. At the same time, Port in the North Sea needs to keep the port open wherever possible and where secure.
North Sea Port is making every effort to allow port operations to continue wherever possible. Normally, strict steps are already applicable for sea-going vessels before they can call in Port of the North Sea.
In addition, the following arrangements have been made in conjunction with the GGD National Health Services (for the Netherlands) and Saniport (for Belgium): Harbor Master's Offices remain within the scope and are involved at their posts as usual but in restricted numbers; as usual, sea-going vessels have to fill in the Maritime Safety Declaration.
This process is carried out in close collaboration with the health services (GGD and Saniport); the Maritime Health Declaration must be completed within 24 hours before reaching the port; the health service will be provided immediately from the moment that even 1 question is answered with yes on this form.
North Sea Port places its employees ' health and protection first. The following specific steps refer to North Sea Port for this purpose: North Sea Port seeks recommendations from the WHO, the authorities and the national official bodies.
The Harbour Master's offices, site inspectors and reception remain within reach and are employed as normal but in small numbers at their posts.
There is no access to the Harbour Master's Offices. In order to continue the operation of the Harbour Master's Office wherever possible and secure, an alternate schedule and a continuity plan were drawn up.
Additional steps have been taken for the (public) buildings and locations in North Sea Port. Both steps are applicable until 4 April 2020 inclusive, unless a different solution or measure is needed for the situation. Specific hygienic steps are also to be followed.
The Ghent Havenhuis (The Port House) is closed.
The North Sea Port offices are opened only to indispensable visitors.
Maritime Business World