Port Bronka helps the exporters and importers in Russia
Fenix LLC, the Port Bronka operator, undertakes new extraordinary actions to assist Russian participants in the pandemic effects of international economic activity.
The logistics sector was among the first to be exposed to the coronavirus pandemic spreading influence: interruption of production lines in many countries, drop in supply and demand, breakdowns in well-tooled transport networks, all of which had inadvertently caused a rise in cargo idling in ports for further shipment.
Additional yard areas for the storage of export and import products will be provided. This allows free time to be extended up to 60 days for export freight and up to 30 days for import freight arriving in the port before 15 May 2020.
The initiative focuses on cost savings for all supply chain participants, which will have a positive impact on the production and end-user prices of products.
Port Bronka, as one of the most modern sea terminals of Russia, has enough capacity and area to solve the extraordinary situation.
Maritime Business World