Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport to remain open
The Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport will continue to be operational following a shelter-in-place order from Alameda County, the company said in its statement.
The declaration by the Port preceded shelter-in-place warnings given by six counties within the Bay Area. The commands are designed to limit coronavirus spread. Under the limitations, it is allowed to remain open only to important businesses. Certain employers are required to send employees home before order is lifted.
The Port of Oakland is one of the ten busiest container seaports of United States. It handles more than 2.5 million cargo containers annually, transacting into global trade more than $100 billion.
Oakland International Airport in the Port is Northern California's third-most busy airport. Around 14 million passengers fly in and out of Oakland each year.
The Port said it would adopt a resilience strategy to maintain its operations while minimizing exposure to coronavirus among employees.
Airlines, shipping lines, and marine terminal operators have said they will continue operations in Oakland, according to the Port. The Port met with longshore union leaders to decide what staffing rates on the docks should be anticipated.
The Port of Oakland oversees Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and almost 20 miles of coastline like Jack London Square. The Port's five-year strategic plan-Growth with Care-pairs business growth with community benefits, generating more employment and increasing the economy as the port expands.
Maritime Business World