Port of Rotterdam Authority announces changes
On 1 May 2020, Ingrid Thijssen will resign from the Port of Rotterdam Authority's Supervisory Board while Ruud Sondag will rejoin the Board as of that date, the company said in its report.
As of 1 September 2017, Ingrid Thijssen has served on the Port of Rotterdam Authority Supervisory Board. She will step down in accordance with her appointment as Chair of the VNO-NCW federation of Dutch employers, a role which can not be coupled with a seat on the Port Authority's Supervisory Board.
From 1 April 2017 until 31 May 2018, Ruud Sondag previously served on the Port of Rotterdam Authority's Supervisory Board. At the time he quit in connection with an appointment as CEO of Eneco, responsible for overseeing the power company's sale. Recently the selling was rounded off. Sondag will serve on the Supervisory Board for a three-year period as from 1 May 2020.
In addition, Ruud Sondag serves on the ProRail Supervisory Boards and the Faber Halbertsma Group, as well as the Scelta Mushroom Supervisory Committee and the Vos Logistics Advisory Board.
The Port of Rotterdam Authority's Supervisory Board will have four members with Ingrid Thijssen stepping down and Sondag joining in. The Board is set to start hiring a 5th member
Maritime Business World