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  3. Prosafe receives contract from CNOOC Petroleum Europe
Prosafe receives contract from CNOOC Petroleum Europe

Prosafe receives contract from CNOOC Petroleum Europe

CNOOC Petroleum Europe has awarded Prosafe a contract for the charter of its Safe Boreas vessel to provide gangway connected operations supporting the Buzzard platform complex in the UK sector of the North Sea.


“The Safe Boreas will strive to offer CNOOC the highest level of service. The Safe Boreas has operated extensively in the UKCS and will provide the safest working environment,” stated Jesper Kragh Andresen, CEO of Prosafe.

The contract has a firm duration of 100 days, with three 30-day options starting in mid-April. The contract is worth approximately $8.5 million in total.

Maritime Business World 

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