RINA launches IHM Part I Maintenance Software
The RINA IHM Part I Maintenance Software is a software system designed to provide ship-owners with a useful to cope with the requirements of the Hong Kong Conventions and EU Regulation on IHM by means of an efficient and streamlined process.
The EU Ship Recycling Regulation will soon become compulsory for current ships as well. The Regulation introduces, as one of the specifications, the requirement to keep the IHM Part I properly maintained and updated during the ship's operational life.
The Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) is a structured system to control hazardous materials utilized in the construction of the ship, its equipment and systems.
In application of the requirements of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009, and of the EU regulation on Ship Recycling N°1257/2013.
The RINA IHM Part I Maintenance Software is a software system designed to provide ship-owners with a useful – yet easy to approach tool – to cope with the requirements of the Hong Kong Conventions and EU Regulation on IHM by means of an efficient and streamlined process.
Embedded inthe RINACube platform of digital services, the IHM Part I Maintenance Software is accessible via modern browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla, etc.) from any device with an internet connection.
Customers shall dispose of a Cloud-based application with the following benefits:
• Usage of a tool that is always maintained and updated according to both the last version of IT operating systems and EU and IMO rules on ship recycling;
• Part I of IHM can be easily updated according to the standard format of the EU and IMO guidelines with friendly interface;
• All documents related to Part I of IHM are collected and available at any time for surveys or sale of the ship.