RMI Associations Law and the RMI Yacht Code Seminar Held in Istanbul
The Marshall Islands Registry hosted a seminar related to the RMI Associations Law and the RMI Yacht Code in Istanbul, Turkey.
More than 60 maritime and corporate professionals attended the event. Focused on the opportunities and services available through the RMI’s Corporate and Yacht registries, industry experts and speakers from several IRI offices also made speeches
The conference included detailed information about the issues such as the RMI Corporate and Yacht Registry programs.
Laurence Bousselot, Business Development Manager, Corporate (IRI Geneva) presented an overview of the RMI corporate program. Emre Ersoy, Senior Associate, Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers and Consultants, provided insight into RMI companies in finance deals, while Rona Kaspi, Partner, AKT Law Office, answered questions on how the RMI Registry operates. Patrick Bachofner, Director, Geneva Office (IRI Geneva) provided an overview of the RMI Yacht Registry, while Marc Verburg, Fleet Operations Manager, Yachts (IRI Roosendaal) provided insight into RMI yacht technical services. Serhan Büyükdoğan, Partner, Karaman Law Firm mentioned regulations affecting yachting in Turkey.
Maritime Business World