Salvage operations for Golden Ray resume
Salvage operations to remove the overturned car carrier Golden Ray from St. Simons Sound in Georgia have resumed after work has been halted due to concerns about coronavirus and Hurricane Isaias.
Our advanced planning for heavy weather paid dividends. We were prepared for Hurricane Isaias and are proud of the quick execution of our Heavy Weather Plan by our response personnel,” said Cmdr. Efren Lopez, Federal On-Scene Coordinator.
Due to the possible effect of the Hurricane on the St. Simons Sound region, the Unified Command (UC) response team initiated its Heavy Weather Strategy, which included the repositioning and securing of all response assets prior to the storm's passing.
UC says that activities are continuing and progressing, with cutting and lifting operations currently planned for early October,
The Marshall-Islands-flagged car carrier Golden Ray has been on its side outside the Port of Brunswick since it capsized on its way to Baltimore on 8 September 2019. The cause of the accident is being investigated.
The South Korean-owned vessel will need to be dismantled in place and disassembled in pieces because the vessel, in its current state and condition, is not in a state to withstand the tension exerted on the hull and keel during parbuckling operations.
The safety zone around the EPB covering the site of the Golden Ray Motor Vessel remains in place to protect the response crews and the public.
The VB 10,000 heavy-lift, twin-gantry (VB 10 K) crane, specially designed for cutting lifting operations, will remain in the area. VB 10 K will finally be activated to St. Simon's Sound to continue cutting and lifting operations.
Measures in place include routine health checks, the mandatory wearing of face coverings, safe distance and teleworking, self-quarantine for all incoming participants, regular disinfection of facilities and work platforms, and contact tracing protocols. On-site medical consultants regularly review health protection recommendations with respect to new information on the spread of the disease.
Maritime Business World