Damen Shipyards Group delivers crew transfer vessel to Total Offshore

Damen Shipyards Group delivered the first Fast Crew Supplier 1204 to Total Offshore BV on 18th November.

The FCS 1204, named Swift, will be used to transport offshore personnel to North Sea wind farms.

On 7th October, Damen and Total Offshore signed the contract. The FCS 1204 was ready for delivery just over a month later, following some final preparations at Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld, thanks to Damen's tradition of constructing standardised vessels in series for stock.

A versatile design that can be configured for various operations is the FCS 1204.

 “We are honoured that Total Offshore approached Damen for their first vessel. I’m confident that the FCS 1204 will serve their needs well. This vessel offers high levels of safety, comfort and reliability, well suited to the requirements of the offshore wind sector," commented Damen sales manager Vincent de Maat.

Onboard safety and comfort come courtesy of the proven semi Sea Axe Bow of the FCS 1204 design that allows the vessel to cut through waves and from its outstanding visibility and open deck area of the wheelhouse.

Maritime Business World