NYK delivers new wood-chip carrier to Hokuetsu

According to shipping company NYK, a new wood-chip carrier for Japanese paper milling company Hokuetsu Corporation was delivered on March 2, 2021, at Oshima Shipbuilding in Saikai district, Nagasaki, Japan.

The 60,222 dwt vessel is under long-term contract with Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK) and Hokuetsu.

According to NYK, the new carrier, called Southern Ace, is an eco ship that uses around 15% less fuel than traditional wood-chip carriers.

These changes were made, as previously stated, by improving the hull shape while retaining transportation capability and using a larger propeller to improve propulsion.

Ladder fins are also installed on the 210-meter-long carrier to boost water flow provided at the vessel's aft end.

The word Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) will likely receive more publicity this year, according to NYK, which predicted it in January.

The shipping company revealed the NYK Group ESG Story in February 2021, with the aim of further integrating ESG into the company's management strategy and promoting activities that help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through business activities.

NYK said that as a sustainable solution provider, it will facilitate new value development through a market plan that includes contributing to a reliable supply of wood chips by operating eco-ships.

Maritime Business World