The event indicates the expansion of Taiwan's rapid underwater mining and joint defense capabilities, the Navy said in a statement.
The mine-layer project was built on the basis of enemy threat and fighting needs after the integration of military mine-layer battle plans, officials of the Taiwan Navy said. It will make it easier to keep enemy vessels from sailing in the area of Taiwan.
Admiral Liu Chih-pin of the Navy and Lung Teh Shipbuilding Co. The event was organized jointly by Chairman Huang Shou-chen at Lung Teh Shipyard.
In terms of rapid mine-laying ships, the Taiwanese Navy said last year, when construction began, that the vessels would be fitted with T-75 20-millimeter automatic guns and T-74 machine guns.
The miners will also have a newly developed automatic mine-laying and propulsion system that allows them to lay mines quickly and precisely.
Delivery of the third and fourth mine-laying ships is expected to take place by the end of 2021.
Maritime Business World