Uniper and Port of Rotterdam Authority work on green hydrogen plant

The German energy company Uniper and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are exploring large-scale green hydrogen production possibilities in the Maasvlakte area of Rotterdam, the largest port in Europe.

“Our location at Maasvlakte is the perfect place for large-scale production of green hydrogen. This is where everything comes together: large amounts of renewable energy, the required infrastructure, and industrial customers. A better place for green hydrogen production is hardly imaginable," said Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO of Uniper.

The parties are keen to have a hydrogen plant with a capacity of 100 MW up and running by 2025 and to increase this capacity to 500 MW. This summer will see the completion of a feasibility study.

Renewable energy is used in the processing of green hydrogen to break water into hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysis is called this method. Maasvlakte is an ideal location for green hydrogen production.

Renewable electricity from offshore wind turbines can come ashore here, and the Uniper site already has numerous related facilities available.

The potential demand for sustainable hydrogen will be explored, both in the port area of Rotterdam and in Germany, Uniper noted in a statement. In due course, supply will also be possible through pipelines to major industrial complexes in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Also, the project team is looking at import, storage, and export options at Maasvlakte.

Maritime Business World