Spanish Valenciaport to join World Ports Climate Action Program
By joining the club of twelve foreign ports dedicated to decarbonisation and pollution reduction initiatives, Spain's Valenciaport makes its debut in 2021.
The Port of Valencia (PAV) is now a member of the World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP), a working group which promotes climate change action jointly and works closely with the International Ports and Harbours Association (IAPH).
“We have adhered to this programme in which the biggest ports participate and which are the mirror in which the rest of the world port system is looked at as their activity has a subsequent impact on the rest of the port scale,” stated Aurelio Martinez, President of PAV.
According to Martinez, environmental actions were carried out by Valenciaport as part of the WPCAH highlights.
Two environmental initiatives led by the Valencia Port Authority received the IAPH award last July.
These programs are "Green and Connected (Green C) Ports" and "Loop Ports," which have won an EnerTIC prize. Innovative strategies to reduce traffic congestion, boost air quality, reduce noise levels, forecast crane efficiency and calculate real-time pollution in ports have been demonstrated in the initiatives.
A small community comprising the ports of Antwerp, Barcelona, Gothenburg, Hamburg, Le Havre, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York/New Jersey, Rotterdam, Vancouver and Yokohama will be part of the Port of Valencia.
The ports are collaborating with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and various stakeholders to meet the goal set out above and facilitate the decarbonization of the maritime sector.
Maritime Business World