Stena Nordica returns to its previous route between Gdynia and Karlskrona
The RoPax Stena Nordica ferry will return to its old route between Gdynia and Karlskrona at the end of October. The more freight-focused vessel Stena Baltica will be replaced by Stena Nordica.
Stena Nordica will run in each direction five days a week, taking freight, vehicles and passengers, the company said in its statement.
There are currently three ferries operating on the Gdynia-Karlskrona route, including the two Stena Vision and Stena Spirit twin boats, and the Stena Baltica, which is more freight-oriented. Stena Nordica will be back on the road at the end of October 2020 and will replace Stena Baltica.
The Stena Nordica is a modern and convenient Ro-Pax vessel combining cargo, passengers and passenger cars. It has a length of 170 meters and can accommodate about 450 passengers and 100 trailers or 300 vehicles at the same time. It sails on the Gdynia-Karlskrona ferry route on a daily basis and the trip takes 10.5 hours.
The on-board offer is far wider than at Stena Baltica, and includes a sea-view restaurant and lounge, a store, a playroom for children, more cabin options and reclining chairs.
Stena Nordica has previously sailed many times, including the years 2004-2008, on the Gdynia-Karlskrona route. She was back on the route in 2018, but this new and flexible vessel has assisted operations on other Stena Line routes, on the Irish Sea and the North Sea, over the last year.
Stena Line is one of the largest ferry companies in Europe, operating 28,000 sailings each year with 36 vessels and 18 routes in Northern Europe.
Stena Line is one of the largest ferry companies in Europe, operating 28,000 sailings each year with 36 vessels and 18 routes in Northern Europe. As an important part of the European logistics network, Stena Line develops new intermodal freight solutions by combining rail , road and sea transport.
With its comprehensive passenger activities, the Stena Line also plays an important role for tourism in Europe. Established in 1962 and headquartered in Gothenburg, the company is family-owned.
Maritime Business World