Verbrugge Terminals begins new scheduled service
North Sea Port announced the weekly service between Terneuzen and Sweden will dock every Saturday at Verbrugge Terminals in Terneuzen. The ro-ro ships will carry paper, trailers, containers.
The freight consists of paper rolls for magazines, newspapers, and other printed matter. These rolls are unloaded every Saturday at Terneuzen and delivered to the different printers, with Verbrugge's transport company Verbrugge Internationale Wegtransporten playing an important part. For years the Terneuzen Verbrugge terminal has been a hub for paper and carton.
Verbrugge also has the technology to cut, label and repack paper rolls by size.
Two ro-ro vessels will operate the scheduled service, which will call alternately at the Verbrugge terminal in Terneuzen. The return shipment to Sweden (Braviken & Södertalje) will consist of all kinds of goods, such as trailers, containers and project freight.
The scheduled service further strengthens the Terneuzen / Sweden connection. For some time now, Wagenborg operates weekly sailings carrying ro-ro cargo from Terneuzen to Sodertalje and Pitea.
This new scheduled service reinforces the presence of Verbrugge Terminals at North Sea Port and provides it with a springboard to further develop its operations there.
It means North Sea Port will see an increase in its share of the paper and cardboard, ro-ro, container and project cargo markets.
Maritime Business World