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  3. Wilson Sons reveals investment in tech startup Docktech
Wilson Sons reveals investment in tech startup Docktech

Wilson Sons reveals investment in tech startup Docktech

Wilson Sons, a Brazilian port and maritime logistics company, announced an investment in an Israeli startup that measures port navigational depth.


Using data provided by ships and tugs, the Docktech startup aims to map the patterns that occur underwater within and outside ports.

Wilson Sons purchased a minority stake in Docktech as well as a commercial exclusivity deal to build Docktech's technology in Brazilian ports.

As previously stated, the mission is to grasp the pattern and silting behavior of Brazilian ports in order to predict how certain factors can affect navigation conditions and protection. This will be done using Docktech's digital twins technology and data collected by its fleet of 80 tugboats.

Wilson Sons tugboats capture and process bathymetric data (depth measurement) from the ports in which they operate, and use the Docktech algorithm to track the depth of mooring berths and waterway access in real time. According to the business, this data can be used to predict changes by recognizing patterns, resulting in increased navigational protection.

This technology is already in use at the ports of Santos and Rio Grande, with promising results.

The solution will be introduced in Rio de Janeiro, Açu, and Vitória ports in the coming weeks, with hopes to extend to all Wilson Sons locations later.

The company also purchased a minority interest in another startup last year. AIDrivers is a startup specializing in the production of autonomous port equipment mobility systems.

Before making this investment, Wilson Sons found over 400 high-potential startups in the port and maritime sector across several countries.

Maritime Business World 

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